
Monday, May 06, 2013

many truths in one post


first truth of the post: i've dropped one size!
this pattern runs big therefore i made it a size smaller.even though  i had to take the pants  apart- after all that topstitching- and take them  in about 2cms. they are still big, it's the style, but not clown pants big.
the linen is very pleasurable to wear. i don not care about the wrinkles at all, i'm wearing a natural fiber.

truth number two: april showers bring may flowers.

drosanthemum candens  clem
                                    drosathemum candens                               clematis jackmanii

the clematises are very vigorous this year and the plants in general look lush and healthy. coming up lots of flower posts this week.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Friday, May 03, 2013

the missus

one of the kindest, funniest and talented people i've come across on the net. the incomparable 
purple  missus in a mini tute.
have a great weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

trying new things


oh brother! had to bring out some winter wear because it's very cold again  and in some parts of spain it's even snowing. here is only wet and cold.
the sample is this gorgeous linen blandina got me. i read somewhere that one can use fair isle punch cards to make tuck lace and off i went to try it . at a very loose tension the top part is tuck lace and the bottom is slip stitch followed by stockinette and ladders with eyelets.i find the slip stitch lacking definition, but the tuck part could be a doable. another one for the bag of tricks!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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