
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

a tied up morning


an all morning project.
 bryan san says to wet before tieing and i'm wetting it having never done it before. can't help thinking of  sensemayá when i look at the drawn cloth while tieing ends together.
  expecting a difference. and my dears, the vat looks di-vine!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, November 05, 2012

all stitched up

sunday sprint

sunday was grey and rainy, very conductive for a stitching sprint. managed to do all the above before my finger hurt. does anyone  else find stitching with a thimble impossible?

after morning sprint
this morning's sprint. and it's all stitched up!
drawing up this afternoon. hopefully dyeing tomorrow.curiosity's killing me. what is going to happen when indigo meets gold foiling?

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Friday, November 02, 2012

wool glorious wool

what would we do without wool?
 the brits are campaining hard to save this wonderful resource.
see for photos and this for info on breeds and their wool properties

have a lovely weekend

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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