
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

more fabric

gorgeous silk fabric sourced locally at my newest crush-store.the fabric has a twin in france ;-)
looking forward to sewing  as soon as  i finish plan b.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, August 06, 2012

threading done and i'm not made of the stuff numbers are made of


paraphrasing carl sagan i'm not made of numberstuff.all the counting adding multiplying and dividing and i ended up with 2 extra warp chains in each layer. dangling now from the back of the loom because i warped back to front.the good news is that i'll have  warp for samples for the double weave study group.


great weekend albeit the misnumber.
vero was visiting and we hit the fabric stores,
 had some laughs, some vermouth and food.
and  we also did lots of walking.

Hymenocalis Sunday fun 
sunday after finishing the  threading was time for entertaining myself with my new tablet and some apps i downloaded. the hymenocalis are in bloom and i became david hockney for a few  minutes. ^_^

 now on to checking threading errors.
neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, August 03, 2012

sensory stimuli: music, colors, movement, culture references....
grab a glass of wine or a cuppa and head here. it's long, but i can assure unlimited awe.
the tech info could open doors to textiley stuff!! (i think)
see it before frau merkel decides it's too much  stimulation and orders its removal.
disclaimer: i'm not spanish.

enjoy your weekend.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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