
Friday, July 13, 2012

sociology 101

 sad and true.
have a good weekend

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, July 12, 2012

the lazy cook

summer salad

too involved sewing to spend time cooking. it's also hot, but not nearly as bad as last far.
a nice summer salad:
duck ham
assorted greens
boiled fresh green beans( leave them  slightly crunchy)
hearts of palm
dress with a fresh mint spiced vinaigrette  serve with  a chilled white wine from rueda.
life cannot get better.
ps. what is this new&%**from blogger adding a span white background tag at will??

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

of tannins


 as a spin off from kakishibuzome i  i have developed an interest on tannins.
apparently all tannins are not made equal. for starters i went to my chemist around the corner and he produced two different kinds; water soluble and alcohol soluble.the water soluble is much lighter, vanilla ice cream color and the alcohol soluble is walnut  ink colored.he could not explain the difference other than the vehicle for dissolution.
i had bought the tannins to mordant the cotton yarns i used for the loom controlled shibori i wove last april which coincidentally it still has to meet the scissors.

but right now as a result of the pattern drafting frenzy i had a white linen  for a dress. it  was actually way too white and  being hesitant  that it would multiply my size visually i used some of the water  tannin to tone it down.
i dissolved  a tablespoon in 250 centiliters of water and added the liquid to the portable washing machine filled it with hot water and ran it for half an hour and the rinsed it.
the results are visible in the photo above. slight cream color, actually ivory color . 
this will be cut up and sewn as yet another summer dress.
in the meantime the research on tannins will continue. perhaps the alcohol tannin will act in a way similar to kakishibu?  oh cheekiness!!oh heresy!!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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