
Monday, May 14, 2012

a new horizon


notions! nancy's notions  from a friendly friend. came along with a tote bag with a portrait of zouzou i presume.
some of the notions are very high tech for this seamstress so i'll have to read the instructions :)
my pal rubi and i are in for some serious sewing 'thons. i am because i have not a thing that fits me anymore. which brings me: 28 cms of the silk fabric already woven! told you it was fast weaving.
calculating 3x 60 cms lengths and it'll be a top.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, May 11, 2012


cavallertia rusticana
 have a fun weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, May 10, 2012



bet you the photo made you wince. daunting as it looks it is not really that bad. a single thread of tram silk from france wound into a skein, therefore nothing that a slight tug doesn't straighten. if the rotating skein winder brakes to a stop that means that one of the long wisps has gone behind the spokes, you pull it to the front and keep rotating.
the skein on the background on the other hand  looks tidier, but don't be deceived friends and fellow weavers, that one is not a skein, it's a character building device. (although i could easily live with less character)
notice no loose wisps but kinks.(makes me yearn for the days where the kinks were a rock band i used to listen to) the kinks weld together via pils  and no tug on earth can separate them. it is also not a single thread, but several unexpected  which coil and wind a piacere. silk from china, need i say more? 

an unruly skein  is a useful learning hone your observation skills. it also gives the opportunity to delve into your inner self and learn about yourself.
for example i put it on the winder with all the choke ties from dyeing still tied on. this guarantees that however messy it's still in order. avoid the temptation of taking the skein off the winder to whack it and try to straighten it. the result is a useless  bundle of worms and a bowl full of tears. ask me how i know .
when it loops on itself it always winds on others  to the left, at least in my skeins, so you put it through the loop in the opposite  direction and the thread is loose once again.
don't try to follow this at home because i have left- right issues. think i missed that class at school.

the obsessive in me wants to  wind the pirns i use to fill the small bobbins for my japanese shuttles and thus i have been at it not doing anything else for two days. albeit slow it is a doable chore leaving  my inner self to wander free even attempting astral travels.
since i could not make it to japan this may as i planned i am not saying no to any  kind of wandering.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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