
Thursday, December 15, 2011

geekery love


A quiet autumn rain…

image source Tumblr

it's called cinemagraph
you can see example in this write up
and here's a tute to get you started
caveat you need photoshop cs5 extended version  (or any program w. video editing capabilities)
but i'm sure the creative mind will find workarounds that.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

on machines


" the enlightened way to use a machine is to judge its powers, fashion its uses, in light of our own limits rather than the machine's potential.we should not compete against the machine. a machine like any model,ought to propose rather than command, and humankind should certainly walk away from command to imitate perfection. against the claim of perfection we can assert our own individuality, which gives distinctive character to the work we do."

we are talking about soul here.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the nettle diaries


i have started working with the nettle weaving making pages for books. as i said very little, if any, weaving is happening in my studio.but lots of stitching and surface design.and photofun!

 pages 1-2   pages 3-4

note the red cast of the photos created by adjusting the curves  pumping up the red, adjusting the blue and green  and playing with the opacity. i set the merge mode to normal and opacity around 50%.end of geekery.

the stitching was embellished with stamping and an addition of plastic film painted and stamped.
i hope it reads well.

 addendum: today's friday 13th in spain.wishing you all safety and happiness.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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