
Monday, November 21, 2011

mica male**


my r&r which was more like chateau et relais. got the above at the marche des pecheurs.
met this woman who is kinder and   much more charming in person than how she comes accross in her blog. had time to brush up my italian too.
got this for husband -san.

saw thistommes             thisfrieze

this       poterie      and this embroidery2

had time to laugh,eat, talk and  manage a one day bug which put me in a sorry state dinner with vero

sickie me

even got pressies! but i'll talk about that tomorrow. the trip back was through the lovely golden and red vinyards of cote du rhone.
here are some more really doesn't look like i was in aix en provence ^_^

** not bad at all

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, November 14, 2011

i really should be away from the computer


doing stuff before i leave. however, this gem is worth screwing the schedule.
 do you remember being there? i do.
 be back on friday.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, November 11, 2011


 sneak preview

here's a sneak peek of what i'm working on-when i can. i'll be away all next week for some fun and r&r.
have a great weekend.
be well and be good.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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