
Monday, October 17, 2011

the changing of the light


light has gotten finally has acquired  that honey quality that i like so much, the one that makes reds stand out.and makes you want to snuggle inside with maybe a cup of tea and a good read for sure.
the scarf is on its way to wet finish. i mean how many scarves can a girl have? thinking this one might end up as a vest of sorts. i'm not a vest person, but i'm willing to start trying.

today i'll be walking downtown to pick up some mercerised cotton cones in great colors. and hopefully start sampling in the afternoon.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, October 14, 2011

the last leg of the weave

 fall scarf

weaving on a table loom takes  a lot of concentration. and that is quite exhausting. although i have a feeling that it's a good exercise to keep that infamous german gentleman at bay. i'm really cranking to finish this one because i need to start sampling -hear hear Cally Booker- for a collaborative project which is on the back burner.
but i need some fun quick, before i wilt.
let's see what the weekend brings.
have a good weekend ya'll!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, October 13, 2011

from one who followed his heart

just found the whole address and although somewhat late could not resist to share.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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