
Monday, September 12, 2011

the story behind the project

gif make

the school, as many others around this insane world, had just given the final axing touches to their textile department and program and the small beauty was in a corner literally rotting to death. ignored by all the powers that be who in turn had refused my offer, in a not so remote past, to restore it. time had come to clean and make space for more serious pursuits  and surprise, surprise, the loom was going to be thrown away.

luck in the form of a former teacher called on me  and urged me to get there as fast as i could to pick it up.  there i went, loaded it on a push cart and hauled it home for 4 blocks! a rather sorry sight, but look who's laughing now (^_^)

at first my wishful thinking lead me to believe it was a small jacq loom as the carpentry workshop at school used to build those as gifts for visiting dignitaries.then after a more sedate look i found out that it was an 18 shaft loom capable of weaving up to 20 cms.
i have along term restoration project in the horizon which is already giving husband-san the hives. moreover,blinded by ambition, i'm contemplating having either a comber board or a jacq head a preliminary step i have already downloaded various documents from the late ralph griswold site.
hope that winter is long enough to accommodate both weaving and restoration projects.

you can examine the photos at will here

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Friday, September 09, 2011

vintage embroidery chart

medallion nº12

have not posted a chart for a long time. here's one to help you stitch away the weekend.
as ever go here to download.

have a good weekend.we'll be celebrating the diada on sunday!

neki desu
  Creative Commons License

Thursday, September 08, 2011



and this is all i'm saying for the time being    ( ^_^ ) (  ^_^ ) (  ^_^ )

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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