
Friday, September 02, 2011

gifto ne!

 don't tell me she ain't as wonderful as ya'll? go sistahs!
have a great weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, September 01, 2011

the spiteful stitcher

the spiteful stitcher2

funny how stupid, inconsiderate and ill informed remarks can be so upsetting. after a series of such remarks coming from total fools who have no idea what textiles are and what it takes to make them i came home, pounded some flowers on linen, sat down and stitched. i could have walked into a burger joint and gunned the patrons, that's why it's done. anger.but i chose to deal with it and send a message with my craft.

girl dude
 i thought i was past that kind of prevalent stupidity, but this situation proved me wrong.

girl dude2

here you have it . in  many little stitches and vicious pink. now, you try and stitch those many stitches  conveying an idea   and we can start talking.

 this oportune link via cally booker's timely post.
the zeitgeist again!
a priceless presentation here

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



still on my mind  and working on it.  heat shaped laminated plastics, stitching and painting.  digitally printed piece of poly organza with some stitching.
want to see if i can portray angst.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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