
Monday, August 29, 2011

summer means horchata

sta catalina

horchata, which is original from valencia, is the traditional summer beverage in spain. looking like milk it is indeed the milk from chufas or tigernuts. a very refreshing nutritious beverage so in  indulging you're killing two birds with one shot , no junk soda or empty calories here. the recipe slightly varies with every place so no two drinks  taste the same.


there is also a social component to it because people meet in the places which sell it, called horchaterias, for a glass and a chat. and usually a cake or pastry goes with it too. it is the social institution called la merienda, a late afternoon snack that serves as an excuse for  meeting friends and chatting about the day.

horchaterias are usually decorated with tiles and have marble tables which give them a clean and homey atmosphere. some of them like the santa catalina  in valencia have been going for two hundred years and  are proud keepers of  their old fashioned flair.
with globalization filling the corners of the world with starbucks,horchaterias are charming bastions full of personality enticing people with their popular drink.

 if you come across some tigernuts here's a recipe and some interesting trivia.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, August 25, 2011


holey grunge grunge linen development

linen holey scarf stages. 4 dyes. will be in the shop tomorrow.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the remains of the vat

remains of the vat

sunny spain. left the vat to evaporate and here are the gatherings. waiting to be transformed. this summer i finally, finally ( ^_^ ) !   ran a good vat. i guess everyone's secret is pre reduced indigo which is  like having a cup of tea with friends.

silk knit yarns of this summer

some of this year's crop. more to come can really OD on success (^_^)

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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