
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

finished reeding ,doing threading


and i can do plastics too!
different kinds of plastics including bubble wrap laminated together and machine stitched. have you noticed the recurrent use of the word machine lately?
wine tasting session later today. doing portuguese wines.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

experimenting and enjoying the process


whoa! this is intentional! now that i can finally  use the machine and knit one of those long rectangular things without many issues i am teaching myself to control dropping stitches at will and making holes. i have a lace carriage, but those holes are too uniform for what i'd like to knit .i saw some scarves and wallhangings by barbara ridland and want to try that kind of knitting.
tha'ts my kind of knitting. of course i have a whole lot to learn so that i can produce those holes (^_^) she's a master!
yesterday i practiced making buttonholes and distorting them. fun!

turning a page amanda ho is conducting a raffle to help japan. a donation to the red cross  japan help fund is required.please consider entering. information at her blog

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, March 21, 2011

or something similar

kumo and birks kumos soft overlay

 there have been positive things during the disaster. a friend from the uni was in town and we had some very pleasant chats and dinners. we hadn't seen each other in 20+ years so there was a lot to catch up on.
i also started knotting a knitted scarf and was able to finish and start with the aizome.the knotting was very soothing:  hands working swiftly  emptying the mind  like meditation.
the ai god was not 100% helpful, but something was accomplished so i cannot complain.
i am sampling controlled grunge  with the knitting machine.
the week holds some promises.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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