
Thursday, October 07, 2010

my dears, as cole porter would say...

top color

actually this is gershwin's. but i 'm partial to porter and he'd be more into color than gershwin.
and this is my blog.period :D

light budounezumi ,the color that gave me the draft. still murasaki but leaning towards the red because of the half lime fruit in the  dye liquor . this skein was heated and acquired a slight brownish overcast.
note to self: forget about heat, even if colors take a lifetime.

and while on the subject of liquor i'm starting a wine tasting couse this afternoon. but then again wine is not liquor. it is a whole culture.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

intellectual excitement

murasaki top

big time.
after reading this i started thinking. i have a tendency of going  in many directions at once. my problem is that i lack  the proverbial box to think .
this methodology of designing would neatly fit all present ideas in one compartment. the weaving, the look i want for the cloth, the recent dyeing and the colors i'm getting. not to mention the digital works.
can't really ask for more!

i took one of the murasaki colors and treated it following Alice's method and you can see the image. it is much more satisfactory than the one i had previously developed  using a fractal image because the repeat is  less distinctive.
 right, i was able to combine the recent dyeing and future weaving but i uncombined the fractals i had been working with and the future weaving. can't win them all.  that said, the method of working with colors and dithering them or applying noise or blur opens up a new front of  exciting design possibilities.

which one do you like best, the fractal  derived or this new one? pray thee tell.
have to get back to tying knots if i want to weave.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

colors changing hues...

color shift
this is very exciting, let me share it with you.
yesterday Dick Huset posted something on the natural dyes list about  gromwell and shifting the blue by adding an acid. i had noticed the alcohol extraction liquid was very red, but when water was added it turned blue.i was going to try some after mordanting to shift colors when the dyeing was completed, but let's face it, as i  have a scant supply of shikon i was scared to f***up.

i cut a lime in half dashed outside and dunked it in the dye tub where there was some silk peacefully soaking.voila! it started shifting towards the red almost immediately.  here is the mystery behind what i saw in japan as murasaki dyed . all those deep reddish purples.
the skein at the background of the photo goes towards the blue because it was soaked in ash lye water.  on its third dip  now the color is less gray than on the second dip and more let's say glowing form inside out for want   of a better term.  the foreground skein has been dipped twice, the second time in the acidulated dyebath.

-digression and rant- GRRRR! between google and microsoft they are trying hard to impoverish the language. acidulated is counted as wrong in ms spellcheck. if you don't use  the words google  likes it ignores you and you don't get indexed. GRRRR!

back to dyeing. the reddish skein went back to the dye tub and will stay there until the dye exhausts.
i still have some dyestuff soaking in alcohol and will use it for the textured silk which coincidentally i was aiming at  getting reddish purple.

250 knots already tied to the dummy warp, working on the mokume this afternoon. life is good.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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