
Tuesday, July 06, 2010


summer fireworks.this  shibori textile became that animation above.
so many ways to have fun with textiles!
btw. tamaya is what the japanese shout at firework displays.

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Monday, July 05, 2010

wave stitch

 wave stitch

my TAST for week was a nice fun stitch, but i wasn't terribly inspired and these were the best variations i could come up with.i guess i could have added something to the spaces in the honeycomb, but that occurred to me a posteriori when i was cropping the photo.

the lower middle one is cotton perle which was used for some indigo dyed shibori. nice bonus!

neki desu
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Thursday, July 01, 2010

it's here

branching out

that time of the year when my hormones crave for chocolate and my palate for a cool gazpacho.
if nothing  about spain's contribution to culinary art excites your palate, this is because you're not familiar with gazpacho. 
brilliantly simple and unfussy, cold, nutritious and refreshing during the heat  months. a glorious vegetarian treat in a country  where everything is spiced up with ham. because as it is said here"ham is not meat, ham is ham". as ham was the proof that you were not a converso, but an old christian after the purity of blood edict went into effect.

anyway back to food after such sad, sad  incident here's my household take on gazpacho:
our contribution to the original recipe: balsamic vinegar  instead of regular vinegar and coriander.we also avoid the garlic and add no salt as we think it's an overkill. and as a burping prevention factor we do not peel the cucumber.

1 kg ripe plum tomatoes
1 whole large cucumber
1 large red pepper seeded
3-4 coriander sprigs
about a cup of extra virgin olive oil
about half a cup balsamic vinegar.

  • drop the tomatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • discard the water cool, peel and seed the tomatoes.
  • chop them  coarsely and put in a blender.
  • chop the pepper and cucumber and blend all together adding the oil.
  • if too dense you can add water. blend again adding the coriander and balsamic vinegar.
  • chill thoroughly. keeps for 3-4 days in the fridge, but be sure to stir thoroughly before serving.
you can correct the amounts to suit your taste. some people like less oil and more vinegar, or more cucumber. some people blend one or two garlic cloves for an extra kick.

pass a platter of chopped onion, coriander, boiled eggs, pepper and croutons. people pick and choose garnishing gazpacho to taste. enjoy  ♪♪♫

neki desu
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