
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the book of friendship and good times

back coverfront cover
Front and back covers of the book of friendship and good times.There's something of all the friends that one way or another contributed in  shaping last year.

The fabric was gifted, the printing  resulted from  an answer to a question  of mine posed in a dyeing list. The cover textures come from the constant inspiration of another friend.The stitching was inspired by two other friends.
back2da book
The foil was another gift, along with some good  laughs.i just put it all together, the printing is my own japanophilia and the poor stitching and crummy photos  are mine too. The good times, ah the good times...

Henceforth, learning the ropes of the new Blogger editor.

neki desu

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

and speaking of clothes

Timeless, understated. Mina Perhonen

neki desu

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Monday, January 18, 2010


alum iron
From this to.......... this

Quite a change. Pomegranate dye with an iron od. One gram in 6 liters of water for 30 minutes and the yellow did not dull. It went away!!The silk skein did not change hand nor luster, but i covered my back with an acid rinse, just in case.i know what iron does to silk in the long run, all those cheap silk blouses that sort of melt away. i don't mind the drastic change in color, what i' would really mind is a change in the silk properties.
Now i know that pomegranates can also give black with a slight greenish cast, or pool water brown hair :)

Happy Monday to you!

neki desu

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