
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

may all your projects be fruitful

peace and joy to all

Takinga blog break. Back after Epiphany.

neki desu
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Monday, December 21, 2009

still cold


Back to 3ºC after having 6º on Saturday.Almost felt tropical.
And it's raining too. Not very inviting to go out. It is nice and dry inside.Postponing some grocery shopping for the Christmas dinner.
Working on a series that can't be shown if i want to submit to Small Expressions .Sometimes it's good to have deadlines.
To keep this textile related the photo was taken some some weeks ago when the weather was nice and i could leave the house.The upholstery pretty cool and the photo is not too bad considering it was taken with my cell phone.

neki desu

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Friday, December 18, 2009



We've had 3-5ºC all during the week.i know you snow birds are cracking up as you read, but we're not used to this cold weather.What we have here is balmy Mediterranean weather.

My pot au- feu has been steaming with one of those hearty, thick Spanish soups with loads of chorizo , dried sausages, chick peas and ham bones for taste.
You start out with a sofrito ,then add the bones and water and simmer.There you have the secret. Add the rest of the ingredients and let it follow its course.
Wonderful comfort food and a way to keep the heater down to a reasonable level. And you don't have to cook just keep adding things to the ham bone stock.
Have a warm and cozy weekend.

neki desu

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