
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

before i digress

nº4 before nº4after
One more stop at the water lilies woven series.The one on the left was the weaving on the loom.
The one on the right embellished and finished.The colors are truer on that image.But something about the composition bothers me.
There's a big work digression coming up :)

neki desu

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


A Venusian belly dancer with ankle bracelets and tatoos,like a funky earth mother. A lovely gift from Vero who was here over the weekend.We had a good relaxing dinner with lots of chatting. She won't come to Barcelona in the near future so i'm threatening to a visit soon.

neki desu

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Creative Commons License

Monday, September 21, 2009

have i mentioned this one?


A silk chirimen shibori scarf from Arimatsu, Japan. Simplicity at its best.You can't imagine how much i love it!

neki desu

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