
Saturday, July 21, 2007

can someone stop the girl?

Found this Barbie doll lace with bits of silver and could not refrain from adding it to this one. Guess i'll call it a work in progress. More to come???

About finds and works in progress this link can keep you playing for hours. If you like David Hockney's photo collages and studies in fragmented reality here you can make your own. Thanks to Sharon B for pointing the way.

neki desu

Friday, July 20, 2007

the ant and the grasshopper all in one

The rusted fabric. i'm producing background fabric for the winter like the little ant of the fable, but i'm also having a ball like the grasshopper.
The fabric here is cotton and i didn't do much to it except lay the bolts and nuts on it and keep it moist for 2 days. Will it hold up for centuries without rotting away? i won't so i really don't care! Enjoy the moment.

neki desu

Thursday, July 19, 2007

busy , busy

Me and the piece. It's one of the fabrics i used for the resists comparison.Always happens,start zen and end baroque.i over stamped it with an old Indian wooden block.The funnest part was doing seed stitch to bring everything together.Did it work out?
The quality of the light in the photo is a lot better than usual.I t was taken outside under the parasol which gives a nice diffused light.

neki desu


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