
Friday, December 30, 2011

a weaver's delight

warp knots

there's an old traditional pattern by such name, although i have been unable to locate it. but much more than a pattern it is the gratification and satisfaction of having a well tensed warp and few mistakes.

well tensed warp

starting the new year on a good foot and sampling . using tex 100 wool  for warp and weft and 48/2 charcoal merino as supplemental yarn and sampling to see how both interact. will be back after new year with hopefully some samples to show.
in the meantime an article about one of our founding mothers.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, December 29, 2011

the intrepid stitcher.

 the intrepid stitcher

winding on of the table loom almost completed. in between holidays, sleeping, YES! and other pleasantries there has been some stitching.
the intrepid stitcher is somewhat frugal too. painting some stuff ans using paper underneath to protect the surface has yielded some really cool papers that could not be thrown away. it's serendipity in action, no plan no worrying about composition or anything . and the results are spontaneous and free. will try it on fabric over the new year. 
this one incorporates wire knitting and some machine stitching on the dark band on the side. also working and getting to know patinas.
 the intrepid stitcher detail

a closeup of the surface and the stitching

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

boxing day


 mussels at the beach on boxing day

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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