
Thursday, July 29, 2010

chain gang


TAST week 22 resulted in a not very inspiring exercise.good to have it in my stitching vocab, but i honestly doubt that i'll be using it much. evidently it's not the stitch's fault, but the stitcher.
wasn't even inspired to add zing to the photo :(
tonight husband-san and i are meeting friends for dinner. hoping to be more inspired tomorrow.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

風呂敷 furoshiki ne!


 what to do with all the screen printed fabric? make furoshikis!!
then go to the supermarket and when offered the plastic carrier bag, very smugly say no thanks i have my own. :) :)

neki desu Creative Commons License

Monday, July 26, 2010

yarn burning weekend

burning yarn

it was somewhat cooler during the weekend and i could work a bit in the studio. sampling lace knitting with the machine. amazing, had to change the sponge bar after less than  three weeks as it was melting into gunk again. who said it has been hot?
and a sort of deja vu revelation. one has to burn yarn, not cheap waste yarn, but the good ones you'll be using, in order to get to know the machine, the stitches and all the miscellany and what nots. just like i did with weaving.
kind of uncomfortable if you're into frugality.

neki desu Creative Commons License


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