
Monday, June 14, 2010

new news

new glasses

self portrait with new glasses. my roommate aka  husband-san hates them, i love them because among other things i can see better. hi ya'll!
the weather's foul again,yep, almost mid summer and still 23ÂșC and rainy. postponing indigo yet one more week.working on the fabrics that will hopefully get dyed. lots of domestic bs and routine medical check ups to be cleared out of the way this week.
have started machine knitting again without any luck whatsoever.sigh ♣ ♣ ♣

neki desu
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Friday, June 11, 2010

small pleasures

Acidic Version

had a great umeboshi  onigiri yesterday from a new japanese deli near my place. getting the ph meter today. and it's sunny. life is good.

 neki desu
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

i want to dye!

test strips

sounds like garbo, but now don't get excited and pay attention to the spelling.   i've not made a reputation for being patient. weaving has helped, but my patience is still not quite there.
the ph meter will be picked up on friday a long stretch by my count. it's also been raining, but i still want to dye.some test strips with good ol' faithful procion mx. also testing the cotton i recently bought, locally, no carbon print, and more than reasonable price wise. that's a record for materials and supplies are hard to come by here.
testing some itajime folds as a therapeutic measure.

neki desu

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